Keeping your IT systems up and running and operating at peak performance, day and night, can be a challenging task, especially with limited IT staff, shrinking budgets and paucity of continuously evolving skills. We offer System Integration & Supports.


Server, Networks & Desktop Management, Data Center Operations, Storage Services & Capacity Planning, Database Design & Administration, Backup & Media Management, Virtualization & Consolidation Services, Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery


IBM DB2 Cluster Deployment for ZEE Group

The Zee Essel Group is having their offices PAN India. Kind of application they are using it demands high storage and performance. These systems are critical in nature and demand high uptime. So Zee has decided to put all these systems under High Availability Clusters. Zee is using IBM’s DB2 database to store all transaction. So the task of installation of DB2 Clusters in their PAN India offices, migrating existing data from standalone database was assigned to us. This task along with some tasks of online backups and few other activities was successfully completed in stipulated timeline. Following was scope of work for entire activity.

# Check the OS level prerequisites related to Cluster Configuration

# Installation of Cluster software & addition of Nodes into Cluster

# Conduct Cluster Failover testing with various Scenarios

# Create DB2 database instance & import backup

# Configure Client and handover environment for Testing to Client

# On confirmation of successful testing from Client discuss & plan final migration

# Complete the cleanup activity and make system ready for final rollout

# Import production backup onto new environment and do necessary testing of Database

#Configure Client and establish connectivity with Database Cluster

# Complete Failover testing various scenarios and handover final environment to Client

Dascher Oracle Database Fine Tuning & Design Suitable Architectur

Dascher India is into Logistics operations is running their operation across PAN India using application named “SHATRANJ”. This application was used for many years so data volumes were high. The performance issues experienced by Dascher after changes in some of the forms for GST and other business requirements to the application. Also existing Oracle licenses are to be aligned from compliance approach so suggest suitable architecture need to be designed. We suggested them following approach to resolve these issues :

# System Study and Database study of current setupTuning required parameter configuration based on analysis of captured data

# Monitoring system for bad queries and other problem areas

# User Acceptance Tests with some test cases and actual production load testing

# Migrate Database to intermediate Server hardware till the new architecture is finalized.

# New Architecture aligning existing Oracle Licenses with all possible options with justification

Data Network Configuration for All Depots of BEST

BEST is public transport division of municipal corporations of Mumbai. They are implementing ITMS (Integrated Transport Management System) to improve their transport operations. Under this they planned to refresh the existing data network with robust internet connectivity.
